Is the EU giving up sustainability for Lent?

On the day when Christians the world over start their Lenten fast, Claire wonders what the EU may be giving up this Lent, through the first of its promised ‘Omnibus packages of simplification measures’, which set out how it aims to ‘cut red tape and simplify the business environment’.

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Why I love the FW team – might you like to join?

In FW’s 20th anniversary year, Claire gives thanks for all the associates who make up the FW network – and asks if you or someone you know might be interested in joining us, as we work with more companies who share our love of reporting well.  

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AI and the new sustainability standards: help or hindrance?

FW writer Tamara O’Brien digests the issues from Claire’s recent webinar on the uses and abuses of AI in sustainability reporting. Corey Walrod, from the ISSB’s technical staff, gave the inside track on the new IFRS sustainability standards;  Diana Rose, ESG Research Director at Insig AI, explained the pros and cons of common types of AI and how corporate reporters should approach them; while Adrian Clark of Royal Bank of Canada explored the uses and limitations of AI in making judgement calls about potential investments.

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