The truth about living in ‘interesting times’

Claire writes: “I spent last week at a writing retreat in the company of Dark Angels. We were all struck by the wisdom and thoughtfulness of this piece about how to confront the climate emergency, written by philosopher and writer (and fellow Dark Angel) Johnny Lyons. Johnny kindly agreed to allow us to publish his piece, which forms part of his next book on politics, as the FW blog this month. Thank you Johnny.”

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Sorry (no buts)

Claire takes inspiration from tennis champion Rafael Nadal on the tricky subject of owning up to our mistakes.

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With TCFD coming, how can we report well on climate risk, and why should we?

With reporting against TCFD mandatory for many in the coming reporting season, the challenges for companies of reporting on both risks and opportunities in the transition to a net zero, low-carbon world are high in everyone’s minds. Tamara O’Brien reports back from July’s Trust me, I’m listed webinar, where author Claire Bodanis hosted experts Tim Mohin of Persefoni, Annie Heaton of ArcelorMittal and Jeremy Osborn, of the Value Reporting Foundation.

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Which side will you be on?

Last week was heralded as a great moment for tackling climate change, with some big moves against fossil fuels – but we’re far from winning the war. Claire considers what this might mean for companies, and how proper engagement with TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures) can help.

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