Claire calls on all those involved in UK reporting regulation to prohibit the use of AI in reporting – right now.
Read MorePerfect for the downstairs loo?
Claire considers why annual report awards are at best a good night out, at worst detrimental to advancing the cause of good reporting.
Read MoreWhat happens when we outsource the power to think?
Claire uncovers the source of her deep disquiet about the brilliant new AI technology, ChatGPT.
Read MoreOn truth-telling, party-throwing and fruity letters
In memoriam Roger Windsor MBE (26 August 1939-22 November 2022).
Read MoreWho’ll be big oil’s Paul Polman?
Having received a sharp lesson in planning for the worst, Claire appeals to our energy companies to do the same.
Read MoreThe truth about living in ‘interesting times’
Claire writes: “I spent last week at a writing retreat in the company of Dark Angels. We were all struck by the wisdom and thoughtfulness of this piece about how to confront the climate emergency, written by philosopher and writer (and fellow Dark Angel) Johnny Lyons. Johnny kindly agreed to allow us to publish his piece, which forms part of his next book on politics, as the FW blog this month. Thank you Johnny.”
Read MoreHer Majesty to the rescue
In memoriam Her Late Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022).
Read MoreSpeaking truth to power: my coffee with Boris Johnson
A surprising encounter sets Claire to thinking about the rights and responsibilities involved in challenging authority.
Read MoreSorry (no buts)
Claire takes inspiration from tennis champion Rafael Nadal on the tricky subject of owning up to our mistakes.
Read MoreDoes AI spell the end of the creative services industry?
FW copywriter Tamara O’Brien considers the challenges and opportunities of writing and design by machine.
Read MoreHow should we talk about Ukraine?
Claire reflects on how pursuing a clear purpose can guide us through the complexities of doing the right thing about Ukraine.
Read MoreWill you step into the moral vacuum?
Claire ponders the lack of political leadership to solve many of the problems facing the world, and reflects on how business might step in.
Read MoreChocolate or booze… this year, how about ‘grievous words’?
In the midst of conflict, and on the coincidence of blog day and Ash Wednesday, Claire reflects on a habit we might all wish to consider giving up for Lent.
Read MoreThe debt we all owe John Simmons (including you, dear readers)
On the occasion of the publication of the 21st anniversary edition of We, Me, Them & It: How to write powerfully for business, Claire reflects on what all of us in the corporate world owe its author, John Simmons.
Read MoreGrappling with ESG? Here’s an early Christmas present
Claire talks to Professor Colin Mayer and Judith Stroehle, leading lights of a fantastic project that’s helping companies get to the heart of how to manage, measure and report on more than just the financials.
Read More“The language of tears is universal” – and so is that of numbers, which is where we come in
As COP26 gets under way, Claire reflects on the essential role corporate reporters have to play in helping tackle the climate emergency
Read More“I wish annual reports were as well written as this book” – announcing the launch of the new edition of Trust me, I’m listed!
On behalf of her fellow authors and the FW team, Claire is delighted to announce the launch of the latest edition of Trust me, I’m listed: Why the annual report matters and how to do it well, published by the Chartered Governance Institute on 7 October
Read MoreThe parable of the fish-finger sandwich
On the eve of her summer holiday, Claire remembers what this blog is really all about. You, our readers.
Read MoreWith TCFD coming, how can we report well on climate risk, and why should we?
With reporting against TCFD mandatory for many in the coming reporting season, the challenges for companies of reporting on both risks and opportunities in the transition to a net zero, low-carbon world are high in everyone’s minds. Tamara O’Brien reports back from July’s Trust me, I’m listed webinar, where author Claire Bodanis hosted experts Tim Mohin of Persefoni, Annie Heaton of ArcelorMittal and Jeremy Osborn, of the Value Reporting Foundation.
Read MoreWhich side will you be on?
Last week was heralded as a great moment for tackling climate change, with some big moves against fossil fuels – but we’re far from winning the war. Claire considers what this might mean for companies, and how proper engagement with TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures) can help.
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